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Evolving IT Standards

Business is moving faster than ever. It’s easy to think that technology which may have been installed just a few years ago should be perfectly capable of powering and protecting your business. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. It is therefore vitally important that we remain aware of all available technologies, in order to provide end users…

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The complexity of a 24/7 IT operation

Three years ago that we decided to evolve into a 24/7 service provider, and take the leap into running multiple sites in the UK and abroad. It’s been a very interesting journey, and one which I am certain many MSPs (Managed IT Service Providers) dare not venture into. It’s amazing to hear clients who use…

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Finding the Efficiencies

In a busy and hectic workplace, we are all looking to find the fastest route to a solid resolution for across all of our IT Support services including London. The most efficient and hassle-free way to get to the end goal! Here at Microbyte we want you to be able to enjoy a simple way…

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Technology is Not a Substitute for Good Business Processes

With all the readily available news, it’s important that we never advocate spreading undue concerns or raising anxiety with no justification. But, given the unprecedented rise in hacking and phishing attempts globally in 2018, we feel compelled to draw as much attention as possible to good business practices. Many of you will have received emails…

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Why Your Business Should Upgrade to VoIP

You may have stumbled across other businesses talking about their ‘VoIP (voice over ip) systems’ or ‘hosted VoIP phone’ but what does it actually mean and do you really need it too? Does your business phone system need an upgrade? Microbyte specialises in offering businesses communication solutions that genuinely help them grow. With an ethos…

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The Benefits of 3CX Could Change Your Business

Is it time to update your business’ phone system? With 3CX, you can ensure your business operates smoother and keeps the costs of communication down – no wonder we are selling them like hotcakes. 3CX is an open-platform, software VoIP phone system. Simple, affordable and flexible, it eliminates the cost and management headaches of outdated,…

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Saving time on the helpdesk with technology

As a Managed Service provider, you can imagine we are always on the lookout for efficiencies, a percent here and there eventually amounts to a real change. Over the past few weeks, I have been paying attention to the kinds of calls we were actually getting to our Helpdesk. There are the usual queries, the…

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Microbyte are now Microsoft Gold Partners!

After successful growth in our Cloud Services offerings, Microbyte have invested the time, energy and capital into becoming Microsoft Gold Partners. What does this mean for our customers? Not only does the stringent accolade prove that we can put our money where our mouth is when it comes to technical expertise with Microsoft products, it…

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Our view on GDPR…stop the panic

GDPR is the word on everyone’s lips, and here at Microbyte we’re getting asked about it a lot. Many of you are worried about the hefty 4% fine for offending companies, but if you’re already taking data seriously, there’s no need to panic. General Data Protection Regulation will come into effect next May, but most…

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